We are excited to introduce a great concept at our next meeting that you won’t want to miss! We have formed a partnership with VendorVIP. David, who most of you know from Rent Perfect, has created a program that will help us create a detailed preferred vendor list for our membership. Anywhere from heating and cooling to Landlord-Tenant Attorneys and everything in between. This is not another Angie’s list; these are vendors who work and live in our community who have made 3 commitments:
1. Work directly with our tenants if needed.
2. Give preferred pricing.
3. Complete background checks on every technician that goes to a tenant’s home.
There is so much more to this program that cant be explained in an email! Get a sneak peek of what David will share at our next meeting by watching the video below. Want to learn more about how VendorVIP will help you manage a preferred vendor list and hire vendors for your properties? click here.
Learn more video link: https://vendorvip.wistia.com/medias/zyu2uw8e4u