Our Commitment to Responsible Real Estate Investing
Boston Real Estate Investors Association adheres to a code of ethics in accordance with the National Real Estate Investor’s Association. Members of the Boston Real Estate Investors Association are expected to be civic-minded and willing to operate with high standards of honesty and integrity. It is our duty to conduct ourselves with the highest principles of the free enterprise system. We strive for Boston Real Estate Investors Association to be synonymous with competence and fairness. As Boston Real Estate Investors Association members, we hereby bind ourselves to this code of ethics:
Section 1: Member Code of Ethics
All members of the Association shall agree to observe and be bound by the following Code of Ethics:
- Commitment to Value: Members shall constantly seek to provide better value by providing safe and sanitary and affordable housing opportunities
- Knowledge Contribution: Members shall at all times contribute their knowledge in providing housing and management to the best interest of those they serve.
- Honest Business Practices: Members shall not obtain any business by means of fraudulent statements or by use of implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable probability.
- Compliance with Laws: Members shall comply both in spirit and letter with rules and regulations prescribed by law and government agencies for the health, safety, and progress of the community.
- Industry Reputation: Members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute any part of the housing provider industry.
- Association Integrity: Members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute the Association.
- Business Conduct: Members shall conduct their business practices between other members with integrity in an honest manner and shall not conduct any business transaction which would tend to bring disrepute to the Member’s business, the business of another member, to any part of the housing provider industry, or to the Association.
- Fair Housing: Members acknowledge that the policy of the Association is to support and foster Fair Housing. Members understand that it is illegal to advertise or in any way to discriminate in the rental of a dwelling to a person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. All members pledge to uphold all Fair Housing Laws.
- Are visible as active Investment Professionals
Section 2: Vendor Code of Ethics
All Vendors of the Association shall agree to observe and be bound by the following Code of Ethics:
- Honest Business Practices: Vendors shall not obtain any business by means of fraudulent statements or by use of implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable probability.
- Compliance with Laws: Vendors shall comply both in spirit and letter with rules and regulations prescribed by law and government agencies for the health, safety, and progress of the community.
- Industry Reputation: Vendors shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute any part of the housing provider industry.
- Integrity with Members: Vendors shall conduct their business practices with Association members with integrity in an honest manner and shall not conduct any business transaction which would tend to bring disrepute to the Association.
- Fair Housing: Vendors acknowledge that the policy of the Association is to support and foster Fair Housing. Vendors understand that it is illegal to advertise or in any way to discriminate in the rental of a dwelling to a person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. All Vendors pledge to uphold all Fair Housing Laws.
Enforcement and Compliance
By becoming a member of the Boston REIA, each member pledges to conduct his/her business in accordance with the guidelines listed above. Boston REIA reserves the right to review the complaint of any other member, property owner, or resident, and at its sole discretion, reserve the right to revoke the membership of any member at any time for any reason.
Further, if any allegations of conduct considered detrimental to the purposes and interest of Boston Real Estate Investors Association are received in written and signed communication to the management, we will consider the matter. Should a decision to take further action be made, a furnished copy of said allegation(s) will be provided to the accused, who shall be given adequate time to reply. Thereafter, management shall take such further action as it may deem proper and in accordance with this code of ethics.
Code of Ethics (revised May 2024)

In Short! The members of Boston REIA:
All members of Boston REIA will be held to a high standard of ethical behavior which includes, but is not limited to, the following enumerated list of behaviors:
I, as a Boston REIA Member:
- Truthfulness: Will not intentionally misrepresent any material fact in my business dealings.
- Continuous Learning: Keep myself informed on matters affecting housing in my community, including local, state, and federal laws.
- Safe Housing: Provide safe and sanitary housing.
- Assistance to Members: Provide assistance to fellow Boston REIA members whenever prudent and appropriate.
- Professionalism: Act as a positive role model for the professions of Real Estate Investing and Housing Providers when dealing with tenants, the public, the media, government officials, and all others.
- Due Diligence: Will be responsible to complete my own due diligence (homework) in all business dealings and will encourage others to do the same.
- Respect for Members: Will not malign other Boston REIA members.