In 2012, U.S. Army Ranger Master Sergeant (MSG) Cedric King lost both legs after stepping on an IED during his Afghanistan deployment. As a double amputee, he had little hope for his future quality of life, but with a wife and two daughters, Cedric knew he couldn’t stop fighting. Last year, he completed his 21st marathon.
Amid his recovery, Cedric returned home from the hospital with new accessibility needs. He found himself in a different battle: not being able to perform simple tasks in his own house. In 2017, The Home Depot Foundation partnered with the Gary Sinise Foundation and gifted his family a new, mortgage-free and specially adapted smart home. Built from the ground up specifically for his family, it came equipped with accommodations to simplify his day-to-day tasks like cooking and showering. With features like wheelchair level countertops and pulldowns in the closet for him to hang his own clothes.

Cedric received the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal and Legion of Merit. The new author now uses his voice to motivate others to fight through their own personal storms. He’s shared his story of perseverance and endurance with audiences at the U.S. Naval Academy and United States Military Academy and with professional sports teams, including the NFL, NBA, and MLB.
Giving back to veterans is personal to The Home Depot, as more than 35,000 of the company’s associates are veterans or military spouses. Since 2011, The Home Depot Foundation has partnered to build more than 90 smart homes for combat-wounded veterans and invested more than $500 million in veteran causes. This ensures more of our nation’s heroes have a safe, comfortable home that fits their individual needs.