Boston Real Estate Investors Association

Studio G Architects has been chosen as the architect for the new Shaker Lane Elementary School.

Studio G Architects Selected as Architect for Shaker Lane Elementary School

Studio G Architects has been chosen as the architect for the Shaker Lane Elementary School project in partnership with Littleton Public Schools (LPS), as announced by the firm. The selection was made following a thorough evaluation process by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), where Studio G Architects was identified as the ideal candidate to lead the transformative project.

The Shaker Lane Elementary School Feasibility Study presents a significant opportunity for Littleton and LPS to revamp educational spaces and foster an inclusive environment that supports diverse learning and teaching styles. With over thirty years of experience, Studio G Architects brings a wealth of expertise in designing innovative, sustainable, and community-focused educational facilities that align with the school’s vision for educational excellence.

Gail Sullivan, Managing Principal at Studio G Architects, expressed pride in partnering with Littleton Public Schools on the Shaker Lane Elementary School transformation project. She highlighted the firm’s mission to create a secure, welcoming, and success-driven environment that caters to the unique needs of every student.

The collaboration between Studio G Architects and the Littleton community emphasizes a commitment to inclusive community engagement. The firm plans to actively involve students, teachers, parents, and residents in the design process to ensure that the project reflects the community’s values, priorities, and aspirations.

Meryl Nistler, Senior Project Manager at Studio G Architects, emphasized the importance of robust community engagement in ensuring project success. She expressed excitement about gathering input from residents to understand their vision for a reimagined Shaker Lane Elementary School, which plays a crucial role in shaping the educational journey of Littleton’s children.

Superintendent of Schools, Kelly Clenchy, expressed enthusiasm about partnering with Studio G Architects on this project. He highlighted the firm’s dedication to community engagement and their track record of delivering sustainable, inclusive, and cost-effective designs as key reasons for selecting them to lead this significant endeavor.

The article “Studio G Architects Selected as Architect for Shaker Lane Elementary School” was originally published on the Boston Real Estate Times website.
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Studio G Architects Selected as Architect for Shaker Lane Elementary School

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