How Much Do You Need To Be Rich in 50 Major U.S. Cities?
How much income do you need to considered “rich” in the 50 biggest U.S. cities? That’s the question the folks over at GOBankingRates put pen to paper to find out. They analyzed data from the U.S. Census and American Community Survey to find which cities have the highest and lowest incomes. In order to be considered as “rich” you your income needs to be in the top 20%.
“The United States is a large and diverse country with big regional variances and even noticeable differences from one city to another. Everything from the food people eat to the way they dress to the way they talk can be night-and-day different in different parts of the country.”
Here are the first and last place cities on the top 50 list:
#1 San Francisco
Population: 874,96Lowest Income to be Considered “Rich” (Top 20%): $ 239,840Average Income of the Top 20%: $ 425,883Average Income of the Top 5%: $ 743,811
#50 Detroit:
Population: 674,841Lowest Income to be Considered “Rich” (Top 20%): $ 66,139Average Income of the Top 20%: $ 119,802Average Income of the Top 5%: $ 214,550
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