Boston Real Estate Investors Association

Keep Your Water Heater Running

Water Heater Maintenance

Service pro repairing a water heater

Let Home Depot pros help with your system maintenance

Water heaters require regular care and maintenance. Over time, sediment, calcium and minerals settle at the bottom of the tank, which can impact your water quality and lead to heating issues. Draining and flushing your water heater will remove buildup and help prolong the life of your water heater. Your system should be drained and flushed at least once per year. If you live in an area with hard water, your water heater will need cleaning about every four months.

Some signs your water heater is due for maintenance services include:

  • Lukewarm instead of hot water.
  • Foul odors coming from faucets.
  • Rust-colored water.

Request a maintenance appointment.

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